Clear Stagnant Energy For Overall Well-Being

Reiki Healing By Dawne Sullivan

Providing The Medicine of Energy

Energy is within us and around us. As a Reiki Practioner, I help your body move stagnant energy that is no longer serving you, allowing space to attract what is. I believe you deserve more – more love, more abundance, more alignment, and more connection. Through reiki, I hold sacred space for you as you come to know that you are the healer of your life.

Reiki Healing Can HelP:

  • Support imbalances
  • Promote healing
  • Improve mood and emotional well-being
  • Release stagnant energy
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Find relaxation

How To Get Started
With Reiki Healing

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Schedule An Appointment

Book a phone consultation to learn more about reiki. If you’re ready to get started, request an appointment! 

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Prepare For Your Session

Wear comfortable clothing so you can truly relax during your session. You will be laying on a massage table and lightly covered.

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Show Up & Surrender

Sessions are held in person in Newmarket. We use essential oils and gentle music so you can achieve relaxation.

Meet Dawne

Holistic Nutritionist, Coach & Mentor, Cold Immersion Guide, Breathwork Facilitator, Reiki Practitioner

I’ve been there – I spent much of my life having a poor relationship with food, feeling disconnected from my body, and struggling to form better habits. In my 30s, this shifted when I started to view food as nourishment. Over time, I became passionate about natural health and went back to school to become a Holistic Nutritionist and have been expanding my knowledge and credentials ever since.

I believe in getting the basics right so you can move forward in your best health. There is no one size fits all solution to health.

Dawne Sullivan, Holistic Nutritionist, Reiki Master, Cold Immersion Coach, Breathwork Facilitator sitting cross legged oh the couch
Sage bowl in front of Dawne Sullivan


Reiki is a Japanese healing practice dating back to the early 20th century. Reiki practitioners place their hands on or near a person’s body to channel healing energy. It is used to promote balance and remove block, built-up energy trapped in the body.

The most important factor to your session is that you are comfortable. During the session, you will lay on a massage table and be slightly covered. Wear something you are comfortable in. This is different for each person.

Reiki can be hands on or off. If you would prefer a hands-off session, please let me know before or at your appointment.

Do you have more questions? Send me a Message!

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